We have detailed some key highlights from the Cabinet meeting, held on Monday 4th November 2024.
Digital and Customer Services Strategy
Members discussed the recommendations arising from last month’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting which considered the draft Digital and Customer Services Strategy (DCSS).
The DCSS represents a bold step forward in the council’s commitment to excellence in service delivery. It is hoped that the strategy will drive the authority’s sustainable digital growth, innovation and customer satisfaction for years to come.
Cabinet unanimously agreed to recommend to Full Council that the Digital and Customer Services Strategy and the draft Customer Charter (CC) be approved and adopted.
Cllr Vikki Cook, member for South Battle & Telham, who has worked on the strategy said: “This is an excellent piece of work. I’m hoping that anyone who wants anything from Customer Services will have an immediate easy to read summary available on the website and people who want to read more will be able to do so.”
Members also recommended to Full Council that authority should be delegated to the Head of Digital and Customer Services to update the DCSS and CC, and that the DCSS is formally reviewed by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee 12 to 18 months after its adoption.
Asset Disposal Policy
Cabinet debated the draft Asset Disposal Policy and the recommendations arising from October’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting.
The draft Asset Disposal Policy will form a key part of the council’s emerging Strategic Asset Management Planning (SAMP), which was adopted by Cabinet in July 2024.
The Policy is intended to provide guidance to officers and Members when making asset disposal decisions.
Cllr Christine Bayliss, portfolio holder for Regeneration and Economic Development, said: “The Policy which has been developed establishes the relative financial, social, economic, environmental, cultural and health values to inform the council’s decision making.
“It also provides a process that enables officers and Members to demonstrate to residents that disposal decisions are taken in a consistent, open and transparent manner.”
Cllr Bayliss also confirmed that, whilst the Policy was not solely focused on public conveniences, early consideration of the currently closed public conveniences would take place, with a report being made early in the new year.
Members discussed the desire to see the transfer of assets that were no longer required by the council, including public conveniences, to parish or town councils or other community groups and organisations who wished to take them on.
Members unanimously agreed to recommend to Full Council that the draft Asset Disposal Policy be approved and adopted, that the Asset Disposal Matrix criteria and indicative assessment criteria be noted, and that the necessary amendments to the Property Investment and Disposal Panel Terms of Reference be approved and adopted.
It was also agreed to recommend to Full Council that the Head of Housing and Strategic Assets be granted delegated authority to make minor updates and changes to the Asset Disposal Policy as required.
Revenue Budget and Capital Programme Monitoring – Month 5 2024/25
Cllr Ashan Jeeawon presented the Revenue Budget and Capital Programme Monitoring – Month 5 2024/25 report which included the recommendations arising from the October Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting.
This report updates the financial position at 31 August 2024 and projects a provisional outturn for 2024/25.
The revenue budget forecast indicates an overall deficit of £954,000 against the approved budgeted drawdown from Reserves of £185,000. Adjustments will reduce the projected revenue overspend to £740,000, however, the revenue budget remains overspent and officers will endeavour to reduce the drawdown on reserves during the rest of the financial year.
Cllr Jeeawon, portfolio holder for Finance and Governance, said: “The report covers off the revenue and capital budgets, as well as reductions in the capital programme with the main items detailed in the report.
“The fourth element is savings monitoring and there has been a lot of work into identifying viable savings in each business area to be presented to Cabinet. The new banking contract includes a reduction of £5,000 per year.”
Cabinet noted the report and unanimously approved the new Lloyds Cardnet banking contract at a cost of £41,000 per annum on the basis of an 8-year contract with a total estimated contract value of £328,000 assuming the contract extensions are agreed.
Members also agreed to recommend the updated capital programme and financing requirements to Full Council for approval.
Revision to Climate Change Steering Group Terms of Reference
Members discussed the updated Terms of Reference of the Climate Change Steering Group following the adoption of the Climate Strategy and Action Plan in December 2023.
The existing Terms of Reference have not been updated since the inception of the Climate Change Steering Group in 2019 and required revision to reflect the progress made to date in tackling the Climate Emergency.
The updates include a shift in focus from objectives to develop a strategy and action plan to monitor and review the Strategy and Action Plan, and updating the language to mirror the terminology of the Climate Strategy and acknowledge the Ecological Emergency.
Cabinet unanimously agreed that the Climate Change Steering Group Terms of Reference be updated.
Published: 8th November 2024