We have detailed some key highlights from the Cabinet meeting, held on Monday 2nd September 2024.
Council Plan Consultation
Members discussed the proposed draft Council Plan and a recommendation to approve it for public consultation.
The Plan provides a strategic direction for the Council and ensures that existing and planned work is aligned with its vision for the district.
To deliver this vision, four strategic outcomes have been agreed: ‘A Thriving Local Economy’, ‘Live Well Locally’, ‘Green to the Core’, and ‘Fit for the Future’.

Councillor Doug Oliver, Leader of the Council, said: “Each of the four outcomes in the draft Council Plan underpin what we want to achieve and how we will do it. They also detail how we will measure success.
“Many people, businesses, groups, organisations and partners may be impacted by the proposed plan, its priorities and its actions – so we now want to hear their views via out consultation”.
Cabinet approved the proposed consultation timetable which begins on Friday 6th September and runs until Monday 21 October 2024. To take part, visit: Council Plan 2024 – Rother District Council.
Lease of Community Hub and land at Sidley Recreation Ground
Cabinet discussed a proposal to lease the new Community Hub and associated car park to the Heart of Sidley Community Association and to licence the football pitch to the same Association.
Members agreed that the proposal would enable the community benefits of the facilities to be fully realised.
In January 2023, the Council secured £19m of Levelling Up funding for the De La Warr Pavilion and for a new Community Hub at Sidley.
The Sidley scheme seeks to help address inequalities in the town’s most deprived ward through the development of a community ‘hub’ with new sports, arts, culture and learning opportunities.
The building will offer flexible spaces for meetings, workshops and classes supporting the community outreach and cultural arts programmes linked with the De La Warr Pavilion as well as a café, toilets and changing rooms.

Councillor Hazel Timpe, lead Cllr for Neighbourhood Services, said: “This is the culmination of a lot of hard work by many people. The Heart of Sidley group has worked tirelessly for many years to get to this stage and I am very happy to support this proposal.”
Cabinet approved the recommendations.
Community Grants
Cabinet approved a grant of £5,600 from its Community Grants Fund for The Good Story Initiative.
The Good Story Initiative is a community interest company and was founded during the Covid-19 pandemic. It helped to deliver fresh soup to those in need.
The funding will help towards a new community project, ‘The Good Story Hideout’ – a workshop and activity venue open to all within a new café/bistro in Bexhill.
Members were also urged to promote the Community Grants Scheme itself, after it was revealed that there had been a low number of applications for the three different grant schemes.

Cllr Teresa Killeen, lead Cllr for Planning, said: “It’s frustrating that we have funding available but a lack of applications means that we still have £114,000 left over for Round Two. I would encourage all members to promote the grants to their communities.”
Members agreed to look at the application process to see if it could be simplified and improved.
Published: 6th September 2024