Last month I shared an update on the Blackfriars development in Battle which, once again, was going to include much-needed affordable housing.

I am delighted to say that our bid for just over £8 million to help fund the infrastructure work needed to make the development possible has this week been agreed by Homes England.
The site has been allocated for housing for many years, but one obstacle or another has been thrown in its way, most recently the need to remove the affordable housing element due to costs.
I’m happy to say that the efforts of Rother District Council officers and the Rother District Council Housing Company Ltd have resulted in affordable housing being back on the plan and we are now back on track.
Although development is necessary, finding suitable land is a difficult task and one which requires the council to consider many elements, not least residents’ views.
It’s vital that the public have a chance to input into the council’s work as every decision we take affects the lives of people living, working and visiting our district.
Earlier this month we launched a consultation into our draft Council Plan which sets out how the council will work and to what priorities over the next four years.
The draft Plan sets out challenges and opportunities and what the council hopes to achieve for its residents.
These subjects can seem a little dry on the face of it, but they guide us on all the decisions that can have an impact on the district and its people and can result in some fantastic projects that improve facilities and services for residents.
There are exciting times ahead over the next four years with the district set to benefit from more than £200 million of innovative projects including Barnhorn Green GP surgery and business spaces development, the De La Warr Pavilion regeneration project, the Heart of Sidley Community Hub, the Camber Welcome Centre, and the King Offa housing and leisure centre.
The consultation runs until Monday, October 21 and I would encourage as many people as possible to help up shape this important Plan by giving it a read and their feedback via our consultation page.
Having a voice on decisions that affect you is the cornerstone of a democracy, and we work extremely hard to make sure that we listen to every view before making decisions and taking action.
One very important way that people can have their views represented is during elections and last week we started our annual canvass of households to ensure those eligible are registered to vote.
The council will initially be contacting people by email or post to encourage them to confirm their details, followed by telephone and door-to-door canvassing of those who have still not responded.
You are not automatically registered to vote just because you pay Council Tax so it’s important that you register to make sure you continue to have a say on the issues that affect you.
Information about the electoral canvas, what we will be doing and how you can register to vote via the website can be found on our annual canvass page.
Published: 20th September 2024