This news article is more than 6 months old
Work to reduce Rother District Council’s carbon footprint has been given a boost as the authority takes the next steps towards becoming a Carbon Literate Organisation.
A total of 44 members of staff recently received their Carbon Literacy certificates as the latest group to complete their training.
Carbon Literacy training is being rolled out across the organisation to both staff and councillors. The training is designed to give staff an awareness of the carbon costs and impacts of actions in their roles and everyday lives. The target is for everyone in the council to have taken the one-day course by the end of 2026.
Raising climate awareness through training is a key action in the Council’s Climate Strategy and officers have been attending Carbon Literacy training since 2021. Since 2023 the training has been delivered in-house by the Council’s Climate Officers.
In December 2023, officers took part in Carbon Literacy Action Day (CLAD) which saw thousands of people trained across the country on the same day.
Published: 24th April 2024