This news article is more than 6 months old
Pursuant to the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 and the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 (as amended), notice is hereby given that:
The Rother District Council’s accounts are subject to external audit by Grant Thornton UK LLP, 110 Bishopsgate, London EC2N 4AY. Members of the public and local government electors have certain rights in the audit process:
- From Wednesday 28th July 2021 until Wednesday 8th September 2021 between 10 am and 4 pm, Monday to Friday, any person may inspect the unaudited accounts of Rother District Council for the year ended 31st March 2021 and certain related documents (comprising books, deeds, contracts, bills, vouchers and receipts) by contacting Malcolm Johnston, Chief Executive on 01424 787700.
Documents will be made available electronically for inspection. Should a person not be able to access documents electronically, provision will be made for inspection at the Town Hall, Bexhill-on-Sea by prior arrangement. They may also receive copies of the accounts and documents, although multiple copies will be charged for and an appointment may be required.
The unaudited statement of accounts for 2020/21 is available to view on our Budgets and Accounts page.
The accounts are subject to change pending the outcome of the review by the appointed auditor. - From 10 am on Wednesday 28th July 2021 until Wednesday 8th September 2021, a local government elector for the area of Rother District Council, or his/her representative, may ask the auditor questions about the accounts. Please contact the auditor at the address given above to make arrangements to ask any questions.
- From 10 am on Wednesday 28th July 2021 until Wednesday 8th September 2021, a local government elector for the area of Rother District Council, or his/her representative, may object to Rother District Council’s accounts asking that the auditor issue a report in the public interest or apply for a declaration that an item in the accounts is contrary to law. Written notice of a proposed objection and the grounds on which it is made must be sent to the auditor at the address given above and copied to me at the address given below.
Robin Vennard CPFA, Assistant Director Resources (Chief Finance Officer)
Published: 27th July 2021