This news article is more than 6 months old
A GROUP of talented young Rother residents will be selling handmade creations at the new Rother Young Creators Christmas Market next month.

In a first for the district, 12 young creators will be running stalls offering an array of Christmas treats including prints, clothing, ornaments, decorations, pottery and more.
The Christmas Market will take place in The Studio at the De La Warr Pavilion on Saturday, December 2 from 10am to 4pm. Entry is free.
Rother Young Creators offers budding entrepreneurs in Rother the opportunity to be part of a collective who run local makers markets.
Bethan, from Bexhill, makes hand sewn and crocheted gifts. She said: “I’ve been sewing for about five years – it’s something I’ve always loved.
“I taught myself how to crochet one day when I was bored, and I’ve enjoyed it ever since. I can’t wait to share my products with the public at our Christmas Market.”
The scheme has also provided the young stall holders with support through a merchandise workshop to enhance their business skills and equip them with the tools to take their ideas forward.
Cllr Christine Bayliss, portfolio holder for regeneration and economic development at Rother District Council, said: “The Rother Young Creators Christmas Market offers a unique opportunity for some of our talented young people to showcase their creations as well as providing a platform for them to learn about business, production and sales.
“I encourage residents and visitors alike to visit the market next month and enjoy a day of Christmas shopping with a difference.
“Come along and find a unique festive present while supporting local young talent to grow their creative enterprises.”
The market stall holders have been supported by Rother District Council in partnership with the De La Warr Pavilion and the Talent Accelerator programme, an East Sussex initiative that supports young people aged 5 to 25 into creative careers across the county.
Published: 23rd November 2023