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We have detailed some key highlights from the Cabinet meeting, held on Monday 8th April 2024.
Peasmarsh Neighbourhood Plan to be ‘made’
Members discussed the recent successful Peasmarsh Neighbourhood Plan Referendum, which was held on 29 February 2024.
Cabinet unanimously agreed to recommend to full council that the Peasmarsh Parish Neighbourhood Plan 2021 – 2028 be ‘made’ (or adopted) with immediate effect and form part of the council’s Development Plan.
Cllr Teresa Killeen, Portfolio Holder for Planning, said: “The Neighbourhood Plan has been delivered within an incredibly swift two years. The Examiner commended the Parish Council and the Steering Group for the amount of work that has been put into the plan, particularly in relation to affordable housing and being protective of the environment.”
An extraordinary meeting of full Council has been convened to take place on Monday, 22 April, 2024 to ‘make’ the plan and meet the prescribed timescales.
Increased funding to purchase temporary accommodation agreed
Members debated the amended Temporary Accommodation Investment Strategy and a £12m increase to the Temporary Accommodation Purchase capital budget to enable the acquisition of additional temporary accommodation.
Cllr Ruairi McCourt, Portfolio Holder for Housing, said: “The council investing in temporary accommodation amounts to us investing to save. Temporary accommodation costs are currently a large drain on our resources and anything that can lessen that by investing in acquiring new temporary accommodation is a very good thing.”
Cabinet unanimously recommended the Strategy and the capital budget increase to full Council for agreement.
Cabinet also recommended that members agree to the proposal for the Head of Housing and Regeneration to be given delegated powers to complete property purchases and receive Capital Grant Awards to support the purchase of temporary accommodation.
Grant funding for Bexhill added to council’s Capital Programme
Cabinet members welcomed the Long Term Plan for Towns Funding for Bexhill.
The Long-Term Plan for Towns is a government regeneration initiative administered through the Department of Levelling Up and Communities (DLUHC) that aims to support improvements to UK towns.
Cllr Ashan Jeeawon, Portfolio Holder for Finance and Governance, said: “The total grant allocated is £19.51m which will be allocated over a 10-year period.
“The funding represents much needed investment and a significant opportunity to transform the town in terms of its identity, its social and economic resilience and its shared prosperity along with a reduction in social and health inequalities.”
Cabinet unanimously recommended that full Council agree to add the £14.936m of grant funding to the Capital Programme phased in-line with the 10-year drawdown schedule, as well as provisional revenue funding for 2024/25 of £449,000.
Members also agreed the receipt of £0.94m grant funding from the DLUHC Long-Term Plan for Towns Fund in 2024/25, and to the proposal for the Chief Executive and Head of Housing and Regeneration to be given delegated powers in relation to the Long Term Plan for Towns Funding for Bexhill.
Levelling Up Partnership Funding added to council’s budget
Members discussed the Levelling Up Partnership funding allocated by the Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities for projects across Rother.
The Levelling Up Partnership is a government initiative with the purpose of boosting economic growth, improving infrastructure, enhancing social well-being and reducing disparities in areas most in need.
Cllr Ashan Jeeawon, Portfolio Holder for Finance and Governance, said: “This programme will provide direct social benefits in terms of social capital development and community health and wellbeing, directly addressing poverty and the lack of affordable housing. It will also continue to contribute to long-term business growth through business infrastructure development and crime prevention.”
Cabinet recommended that full Council agree the Levelling Up funding of £18.08m and £0.410m be added to the 2024/5 Capital Programme and Revenue Budgets respectively.
Members also agreed that, subject to full Council approval of the programme of projects outlined in the Cabinet report, the total of £18,490,000 Levelling Up Fund be accepted. Cabinet also agreed to the proposal for the Director – Place and Climate Change to be given delegated powers in relation to the Levelling Up Partnership funding.
Published: 18th April 2024