Environment Strategy

Status: Past

Consultation opened 25 February 2020 and closed 5pm on 18 May 2020 (12 weeks). Updates added.

Environment Strategy for Rother 2020 – 2030

In September 2019, Rother District Council declared a climate emergency and pledged to become carbon neutral by 2030.

Since then work has been underway to develop a Environment Strategy and action plan, which sets out how we will deliver on our commitment to reach this target and reduce our impact on the environment.

Climate change is an issue that affects each and every one of us and it is vital that we all play a part in addressing it.  Our plans are ambitious.  It is clear we cannot reach our targets without support from the Government and without taking a co-ordinated approach, working closely with district leaders and stakeholder partners.

The following priority areas have been identified:

  1. Becoming a smart digital district
  2. Green Economy
  3. Improving air quality
  4. Dealing with waste in more sustainable way
  5. Sustainable energy production
  6. Protecting biodiversity
  7. Construction and existing buildings
  8. Environmentally friendly council

Residents and businesses are now being asked for their views on the strategy.  These will be considered by councillors when they make their final decision on the document at full Council in September 2020.

To allow you to make an informed response we would encourage you to read the:

Draft Environment Strategy 2020-2023

Data Review for the draft Environment Strategy 2020 – 2030

Please note the previously advertised public events have been cancelled due to the ongoing Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation. We will update in due course if these events can be rescheduled.

Update 03/07/2020

The Climate Change Steering Group considered the results of the consultation at its meeting on 2 July 2020.  Proposed additions were discussed and several were adopted.  The agenda, including reported results, meeting minutes and other information can be found on our Climate Change Steering Group agenda page.

Update 20/07/2020

Our Cabinet will consider the consultation and recommendations on the Environment Strategy at its meeting on 27 July 2020.  For the agenda, reports and other information please visit the Cabinet meetings page.

Update 21/09/2020

The Environment Strategy document was adopted at a Council meeting. View the Council meeting agenda and minutes Council meeting agenda page.

How to Take Part in this Consultation

This consultation closed on Monday 18th May 2020

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