Why have charges been introduced at the ‘tip’. Surely this will result in an increase in fly tipping? (15/12/2018)
Reductions in Government funding has meant East Sussex County Council (ESCC) has had to cut £17m from its budget this year, affecting council services throughout the county including the Household Waste Recycling Sites (HWRS).
ESCC carried out a review of HWRS service in 2017 and recommended service changes to help make significant savings to the waste budget.
A public consultation in Spring 2018 considered various savings options, and recommendations regarding the charges for HWRS sites were made and agreed by ESCC Cabinet.
The five items for which charges are being made are bonded asbestos, hardcore/rubble, plasterboard, soil and tyres all of which are not classed as household waste. The charges are low and intended to only cover the cost of the disposal and administration of the scheme.
Based on previous experience and evidence from other local councils, ESCC do not expect fly-tipping to increase in the County but levels of fly-tipping will be monitored closely by both ESCC and Rother Council over the coming weeks and months. (17/12/2018)