Question 47/18


I have been asked by the Sidley & Albert Road Surgery Patient Participation Group (PPG) to contact you to register the Groups concerns over the seemingly lack of Medical Centre Facilities in any of the housing developments taking place within the Rother District at present. They feel there is an urgency to provide more amenities to run GP services as the provision at present is at bursting point and will not be capable to cope with the influx that the new developments will generate. (09/12/2018)


Thank you for your query. The Hastings and Rother Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), which is a GP led membership organisation responsible for commissioning the majority of health services for local people, is consulted on all major planning applications (schemes of 10+ dwellings) in the District and they advise regarding the ability for GP surgeries within the area to accommodate new patients.

The CCG were also consulted on the Proposed Submission Development and Site Allocations (DaSA) Local Plan which contains a number of proposed allocations for new housing developments across the district (excluding those areas covered by Neighbourhood Plans). They have previously advised that there are no particular capacity problems for GP surgeries in Rother.  It is our understanding that the issue is more around the recruitment of doctors in the Hastings and Rother CCG area.

It should also be noted that the development at Rosewood Park, Little Common (also known as Barnhorn Green), which is currently under construction, has land set aside for a new doctor’s surgery with capacity for up to 10 GP’s. (11/12/2018)

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