Re. litter control – I met a friend in Wembley High St a few days ago, he was smoking and dropped the cigarette end onto the payment, he was stopped by a Brent Council official who had photographed the offence, he was given a fixed payment fine of £100, Within 3 days he received the invoice from the Brent Council which he paid. I commend the Brent Council for this procedure as it helps to educate the public, reduces the litter problem and provides a source of income to the Council and provides work for the officials who hand out the fines. May I suggest that the Rother council implement this procedure. (29/11/2018)
Rother Officers do have the ability to issue fixed penalty notices for littering but our Officers are more likely to simply advise people not to litter. Unlike some Councils, who employ private enforcement companies, we do not target people who drop cigarette ends, who may then end up with criminal convictions. If there was an area where littering was a particular problem, we may after warnings were issued, take enforcement action. (30/11/2018)