Dear Cllr Maynard, as Leader of the council, why are you allowing the town to deteriorate so much? More and more litter is appearing on the streets, I still find dog excrement on many of the pavements and there are now a dozen or so vagrants adorning many of the shop doorways and churches. We still have boy and girl racers driving through the town as well as louts roaming the town later at night…and thieves. Something needs to be done to bring this once loved town back to how it used to be. I have contacted your office before but we still seem to be suffering with these issues. (12/11/2018)
As an authority we do take problems of littering and dog fouling seriously and we respond to all reports received. If there are problems in particular roads please e-mail with the details and photos, if possible. We can then instruct our street cleaning contractor to concentrate on those areas. People rough sleeping is a national problem. We are working with the police and the voluntary sector to support people rough sleeping in the town. The individuals involved often have complex needs that are difficult to resolve permanently. We recognise that people begging and rough sleeping can be intimidating and working with the police we do take enforcement action, if the assistance offered is refused. I am unaware of boy and girl racers, louts and thieves in the town. The police would take the lead with regard to these issues and I have asked my officers to discuss your concerns with them. (20/11/2018)