Question 37/18


I like many other residents love the Bexhill seafront. However I wonder if anything can be done to stop it being a dog toilet. Many owners do pick up the poo but there is always the inevitable debris left behind. As bad if not worse, as you walk along almost every wall, seating bench leg and post drips with urine. It’s so noticeable and for those wanting to sit on a bench, let their children run and play it’s revolting, smelly and surely a health hazard. Maybe signs or something asking dog owners to let their dogs use their gardens for toileting and then come and enjoy lovely walk. Thank you. (19/09/2018)


The Council has a Public Spaces Protection Order requiring people to clean up after their dogs and that dogs are kept on a lead on the promenade during the summer season. We have put up signage to this effect. If there are particular locations you are concerned about please e-mail and Officers will investigate. (20/09/2018)

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