Question 26/18


I was looking at the Facebook page for RDC. Very upbeat about recycling and all the wonderful things about what the council is doing. I particularly like post on recycling those items like envelopes and cupboard things like tissue boxes. Lovely. Have you actually seen the weekly dump on Gibbet Marsh in Rye? I won’t bother to send you photos as they’re on your FB page. I thought the is was going to be a great place for tourists to park and come into our historic town? It can’t be that hard can it, clearly the centre is being used but RDC can’t cope. Simple – more collections? (25/07/2018)


This site is as you have identified very well used. Rother have been looking for another site in Rye but space and access is limited within the town centre. A major issue for this particular site is that it is abused by commercial traders. The site is intended for resident use only unfortunately a lot of packaging material and other commercial material i.e. glass bottles are being taken to this site by businesses and this causes the site to overflow far quicker than expected under public use. The site is collected on a weekly basis which in normal circumstances should be frequent enough.

We are looking at signage to deter commercial use of our bring sites and we also have additional containers we may add to the site if necessary. We hope these steps will stop the Gibbets Marsh site and others across the District from regular overspills. (03/08/2018)

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