Question 25/21


I understand that RDC is evicting Rye Hire from Cyprus Place, Rye in order to build 10 dwellings with only 40% of them to be ‘affordable’ housing.

I’m against this project and plan as Rye DIY has nowhere else to relocate. Rye DIY provides an excellent service to the town and visitors. Needless to say you have heard the arguments to oppose the plan.

Surely RDC is to provide social well-being for its residents not attempting to profiteer from the property market.

Perhaps you can answer questions about this proposal.
If RDC are successful in evicting Rye DIY :

1. Why doesn’t RDC build social housing not private dwellings?
2. If not, what shouldn’t the development be completely ‘affordable’ housing.
3. If the development goes ahead who benefits from the profit? Rye? Or spent on Bexhill? (03/12/2021)


We have had on-going discussions with Rye Hire for some time and fully understand why the business is important to Rye. As a result, we have recently been working closely with Rye Hire and our architects to look at whether we can develop a scheme where the business remains in Cypress Place, whilst still delivering much needed housing for the area.

A planning application has not yet been submitted and before we reach that stage there will be further discussions with Rye Hire and representatives of Rye Town Council. (09/12/2021)

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