In the past few months, we have had frequent “missed bin collections”. But twice in five days (brown then black) is disgraceful and unacceptable. We, the council tax payers, are not receiving the service for which WE are paying via council tax. I hope that you will also find this unacceptable. What, may I ask, can you or will do about it? Is no one supervising the contract? If not, why not? (30/07/2018)
My understanding is that it is your garden waste collection which is frequently missed on the scheduled day.
This summer due to very high volumes of garden waste being presented particularly in the Bexhill area the collection rounds have struggled to complete on their scheduled day. This is due to the rounds having to do additional tip runs and not having time to complete their work. In these circumstances our expectation is that the collections are recovered the following day without fail. We accept this is not ideal and apologise for the collection not taking place on its scheduled day. As garden waste tonnages fluctuate with the seasons we do not wish to make round changes. This is especially the case given that we are now in the final year with Kier as our contractor. Next summer we are due to start a new contract and it is likely the new contractor will wish to implement their own rounds so we don’t want to make such a short term change to then potentially advise you again in 12 months of further changes. (31/07/2018)