Question 22/18


I regularly receive My Alerts which contains information about planning applications near me and pressing the View Application I am taken to the correct application. In the latest letter was the following:- RR/2018/1650/TN – submitted 19/06/2018; Ticehurst 33/11KV Substation, High Street, Ticehurst (215 metres): Proposed replacement transformers with acoustic covers & external appearance of proposed 33kV Switch house. I tried to check the details but all I get is Illegal access attempt, and I cannot get any information using the Planning Section. WHY If you are going to advise me of Applications near my property in My Alerts may I suggest that you ensure I can access them. Please explain. (09/07/2018)


TN’s only relate to telecommunication applications, which this is not.

When this application was originally received by the planning department it was assigned a ‘TN’ suffix.   However on closer examination it was determined that as it related to electrical works,  the application should have been given a ‘P’ suffix. The application was subsequently changed to RR/2018/1650/P but unfortunately this was not done in time to change the My Alerts email for that week which still showed the original ‘TN’ suffix.

Apologies for any inconvenience caused by this but if you search the planning application part of our website using RR/2018/1650/P you will find all the subsequent details for the application displayed there. (27/07/2018)

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