Question 18/19


Ref. question 03/19 Future High Streets Fund (FHF) posted in January. RDC posted an answer that an expression of interest in the fund had been made by RDC – my questions are 1. Should the Council be successful in obtaining access to the fund how will these funds be used to the benefit of High Streets in the Rother District area? 2. Will you communicate the success or failure of the application to parish Councils such as Rye as It appears no communication has been made by RDC to RTC that an application had been made to FHF? 3. Has RDC selected a single project to potentially benefit from a successful application and if so what is that project? (05/11/2019)


Unfortunately we were not successful; and the Expression of Interest (EoI) did not specify projects as it did not require it.   Local Authorities were limited to one town per district and the Council’s EoI related to Bexhill as the district’s principal town centre and in furtherance of the adopted Town Centre strategy.   Hence not notified to Town and Parish councils as not relevant to them. (06/11/2019)

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