Question 12/19


I am a resident of Bexhill (Glenleigh Park Road). I am absolutely horrified with the proposal to implement parking charges in Bexhill. Please do all that is within your powers of persuasion to stop it. Having grown up in St Leonard’s during the 80s I watched parking charges destroy the small business along the kings road which now low and behold 30 yrs later as part of the regeneration they took the parking charges away! Bexhill is a small town where people shop for convenience and little else. The inconvenience of parking charges will just drive people to Eastbourne where the shops are bigger and better. Parking charges will destroy Bexhill small shops for the next 30yrs until the area becomes worthy of ‘regeneration’ because it is so bad. Please help, this is town planning 101 and they are getting it wrong for a bit of short term money grabbing. Go and walk in St Leonards where there are parking charges … empty, Bexhill – bustling!.

**My question is short is “what is the council expecting to earn (net profit) from the scheme and who did the research, (and how is the the money gained possibly more than the economic loss that will be caused by businesses losing money and footfall). (17/06/2019)


Thank you for sharing your views which I am aware others have also raised during the consultation process.

Rother District Council currently provides off street parking throughout the district but we are not responsible for on street parking. Currently, Sussex Police are responsible for enforcing on street parking rules, however East Sussex County Council has recently carried out a public consultation regarding the proposed introduction of civil parking enforcement to Rother, which would transfer this responsibility to them.

Although the consultation is now closed, you can view information about it here: and here:

Any questions regarding the proposed introduction of civil parking enforcement, including on street pay and display charges, would need to be directed to East Sussex County Council. You can contact the East Sussex parking customer service team by email to or telephone 01273 335500.

Rother District Council is currently running a separate consultation about proposed changes to our Off Street Parking Places Order. Please note, we are not currently consulting on changing or introducing further parking charges – the proposals are to update the current Off Street Parking Places Order and bring into the order parking areas which are not currently included to aid us with enforcement of abandoned vehicles and anti-social use of the spaces. If you would like to learn more about this consultation and have your say, please visit

I trust the information will enable you to direct your enquiry to the East Sussex County Council who are responsible. (18/06/2019)

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