Could you please explain why Rother have ceased to fund ESCC for extra grass cutting services in Bexhill. Is it a coincidence that the four extra cuts per annum stopped when the majority party changed within the district. Kindly also let me know what you and your party consider is the appearance of the town in the above respect over the last few years. (07/06/2021)
Thank you for your enquiry.
It was agreed by Full Members in 2019 that as a part of the 2020/2021 revenue budget it was sadly no longer affordable to make a contribution to the County Council for the associated costs.
The contribution was previously made to ESCC following their decision to reduce the number of cuts to two. Highways grass cutting is the responsibility of the County Council and never the responsibility of Rother District Council.
Within Rother all the towns/parishes make local arrangements not funded by RDC and I would expect that the newly elected Town Council could well consider, as do some other parishes, a contribution to county for additional cuts. It may well be an idea you would wish to suggest.
In addition of course there is a ‘green’ lobby that request minimal cuts to promote bio diversity with an agenda to enhance wild life and appropriate vegetation. (08/06/2021)