There are cyclists along the South Cliff promenade who say they are unaware that cycling is prohibited. The rules are written on the notices at the head of each twitten but not repeated on the promenade itself. There are constant reminders that dog walkers should clear up their dog’s mess. Perhaps you will consider reminding cyclists that riding is prohibited. (22/02/2019)
Thank you for your enquiry regarding whether or not cycling is permitted along the splash deck / South Cliff area in Bexhill. This area is not classified as a public right of way and is not maintained in the same way as the main promenade. This means there can be shingle on the walkway which may be hazardous to cyclists. As such, we recommend that cyclists do not use this area, and if our costal team see cyclists in the area they will politely suggest to them that they may wish to move elsewhere, but this is not enforceable by Rother District Council. As such, whilst cycling is not recommended, it is not enforceably prohibited. (25/02/2019)