Having been at this week’s Cabinet Meeting and having just read the report in The Observer I just wanted to ask if the public are given a different agenda? Agenda item 8.1 (Page ‘big number 9) Recommendation 11 on the matter of a Shadow Cabinet makes absolutely no mention of cost and yet those members who spoke on the matter kept referring to the costs and specifically 10%. I most definitely agree we don’t need a Shadow Cabinet in Rother but just wondering why the agenda available to the public didn’t include any reference to the question of costs? (18/01/2019)
Thank you for your question.
I can advise that the Members were referring to the contents of the full report of the Independent Remuneration Panel (IRP) that has been published on the Council’s website and is also available to view at the Council’s Contact Centres. The report was published on the Council’s website on 3 January and can be seen at the following link:
An advert was also placed in the Observer Group on Friday 11 January that confirmed Cabinet would be considering the report of the IRP and that a copy of the full report was available on the website. (21/01/2019)