On 6 Jun, you took my £100 in payment for my garden waste removal.
On 30 Jun, I received an e/m thanking me for renewing the subscription. It stated the ‘No permit, no collection’ policy and if these stickers are not received within 14 days of your email (i.e. by 14 July), to complete a ‘Request a Replacement Garden Waste Sticker’.
My current stickers are valid until 14 July. So if I do not receive them by 14 July, the collection due 18 July is therefore unlikely to occur.
What is the solution?
Continuing to use the pandemic as a reason for inactivity seems a little weak when other organisations are back to working normally. (05/07/2022)
Due to a small system error we had to delay taking garden waste payments this year which unfortunately meant a delay to the sending of permit stickers. As you are aware the stickers have now been dispatched and should be received shortly if they have not already arrived. The 14 day delivery is the maximum amount of time and usually stickers are received before. If you have not received your stickers by 14th July please email the Garden Waste Officer direct:, who firstly will be able to make sure our contractor Biffa have a crew instruction to collect your bins without stickers and secondly chase up the delivery of your bin permit stickers. (05/07/2022)