I understood RDC had a group looking at the pros and cons of Civil Parking Enforcement. However, whoever in RDC briefed Transport Planning Associates in August 2017 appears to know the decision has already been made; the Camber Traffic and Parking report dated October 2017 includes the statement : “Once Civil Parking Enforcement is in place …” What’s going on? (13/01/2018)
The Overview & Scrutiny Committee’s Task & Finish Group, who are looking at Civil Parking Enforcement, have yet to conclude their work and pass their findings to Overview & Scrutiny Committee, and thereafter Cabinet and Full Council. Rother District Council is only a consultee themselves on CPE as only East Sussex County Council Highways can apply (with the support of the Police) to the Secretary of State for the Department of Transport. It will be the Secretary of State’s decision as to whether CPE is introduced.
Therefore the consultant report is making an assumption that was not picked up, as no decision has been reached. The consultants for Camber parking were commissioned by East Sussex County Council, Police and Rother District Council with Camber Parish Council also attending. (15/01/2018)