Change to recycling under new waste contract starting 29th June 2019

From 29 June – do not use your glass recycling box. Please put your glass recycling in your main recycling bin.

Our colleagues at East Sussex County Council have come up with some ideas for how you can repurpose your glass recycling box.


  • Glass Bottles
  • Glass Jars


  • Glass from windows or greenhouses
  • Pyres or VisionWare cooking dishes
  • Light bulbs and other electrical equipment with glass components

Glass bottles and jars can also be taken to your nearby recycling point or household waste and recycling site.

Windows, mirrors and glass used for cookery i.e. Pyrex are all types of glass which have been strengthened. This means they have higher melting points than the standard glass used in bottles and jars. When bottles and jars are melted down in the recycling process these tougher types of glass if present do not melt in the same manner and stays as smaller solids known as “stones”. These stones affects the quality of the recycled glass and can make it brittle, quality control may deem the recycled glass of too lower quality and reject the batch.

Plastic Bags

Please do not place your glass in carrier bags as this slows down the sorting process and leaves the reprocessor with additional contaminants to dispose of. Carrier bags are now being recycled by Sainsbury’s, Tesco and some of the other main supermarkets.

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