Your rubbish is your responsibility. We all have a duty of care to dispose of our rubbish lawfully. If you arrange for someone to take your rubbish away and it’s found fly-tipped, you could get a criminal record and an unlimited fine if you didn’t check the waste carrier you used was licensed!

When using someone else to dispose of your rubbish ALWAYS check they’re licensed and get a receipt and keep it.

Please check your chosen waste company is a legitimate waste carrier herePublic Registers Online

Fly-tipped rubbish is damaging to:

  • Us
  • the Environment
  • Wildlife
  • Public funds

Making sure you do the right thing with your rubbish protects the environment for everyone and means there is more money for other public services.

This video by the Environment Agency explains more about how you can avoid your rubbish being fly-tipped.

Your rubbish is your responsibility, so do the right thing.

Business Waste

Rother District Council does not offer a business waste collection service.

Under the Environmental Protection Act 1990, as a business owner you have a duty to take all reasonable steps to manage your waste safely if your business produces, imports, keeps, transports, treats or disposes of waste. This is called the ‘Duty of Care’. This responsibility applies to all businesses and failure to comply means you could be prosecuted and fined an unlimited amount. Household bins are for domestic waste and recycling only and should not be used for any form of business waste.

As a business you must ensure that:

  • waste is contained in the right containers so it cannot escape (either by falling out or blowing away) and stored securely against unauthorised removal
  • anyone collecting your waste has a valid waste carrier’s license by checking the Environment Agency’s Public Register. If you transfer waste to an unauthorised waste carrier and the waste is fly tipped you may be liable to prosecution
  • a written description and transfer notes for the waste are kept as a record for 2 years
  • Even if you produce very small volumes of business waste you are required to dispose of your waste correctly. You may consider a joint waste disposal arrangement with another nearby business. Both businesses can dispose of their waste through one disposal arrangement.

The Environment Agency and Rother District Council are authorised to check if you are complying with the Duty of Care. This means an officer can come to your premises and ask to see your Waste Transfer Notes.
Commercial rates payable to the local authority do not include payment for trade waste collection and disposal. Please be aware that NES (National Enforcement Solutions) officers work on behalf of Rother and are instructed and authorised to check local businesses waste arrangements.

Please note: It is an offence to put waste or recycling from a business into a household bin, or to take it to a Household Waste Recycling Site or one of Rother’s local recycling points.

For comprehensive information and advice on trade waste, please visit Environment Agency

Private Waste Collection Companies and Agents

Below are links to some of the private waste collection companies and agents which operate in the Rother area.

Please check your chosen waste company is a legitimate waste carrier herePublic Registers Online

General Waste and Recycling

Food Waste

Cooking Oil

Starting up or running a waste collection or disposal company

You must be a fully registered waste carrier. For more information about obtaining or renewing a waste transfer licence.

Register or renew as a waste carrier, broker or dealer – GOV.UK (

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