The installation of solar panels will help cut Rye Sports Centre’s energy bill helping to improve sustainability and safeguard the future of the facility.
It is anticipated that as much as 40 per cent of the centre’s energy will be supplied by solar panels fitted with the help of more than £140,000 of Government funding secured by Rother District Council.
The Sports England Swimming Pool Support Fund is designed to support public leisure facilities with swimming pools which have been adversely affected by rising costs, leaving them vulnerable to closure or significant service reduction.
Property services specialist DMA Group fitted 180 solar panels to the Freedom Leisure-run centre in The Grove, Rye, last week.
Cllr Hazel Timpe, portfolio holder for neighbourhood services at Rother District Council, said: “Swimming has huge benefits on both physical and mental health and can be enjoyed by people of all ages and abilities, and the funding and installation of solar panels should go some way towards securing the sport centre’s future for years to come.
“As well as reducing energy costs, the solar panels will help reduce the centre’s carbon footprint and support the district’s net zero efforts.”
Rye swimming pool was forced to close temporarily in 2022 due to soaring energy costs and didn’t reopen until October 2023.
Cllr Timpe added: “With the Sports England funding giving the centre a welcomed boost, we are continuing to lead this work with East Sussex County Council, Rye Town Council and the Rye Recreation and Well-Being Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) to find a longer-term sustainable future for the pool.”
This work follows on from the previous successful funding application for £128,000 from stage one of the Swimming Pool Support Fund which supported Rye Sports Centre and Bexhill Leisure Pool to remain open by funding some of the utility costs.
Published: 17th December 2024