This news article is more than 6 months old
Investing in technology to make its services more efficient and easier to use by residents and businesses is just one of the ways Rother District Council could cut costs and meet its financial challenges.
Members of the council’s Cabinet will discuss a range of proposals on Monday, March 29, designed to put it on a stable financial footing for the future.
Concerned that council reserves cannot continue to plug the gaps created by increased service costs and the financial impact of the covid-19 pandemic, officers are recommending the council creates a new Financial Stability Programme.
This would include using £750,000 from the council’s reserves to fund a new Invest to Save Programme which would see a long-term reduction in revenue costs.
At the Cabinet meeting members will discuss a number of potential steps to achieve this. They include investment in technology, changing processes to reduce waste, devolving some discretionary services to other bodies, and finding new ways to increase council income.
The conclusion to the report, says: “This report sets out how the Council will set about meeting its objective of financial stability and ensure its day-to-day expenditure is funded without the need to rely on reserves.”
For more information on these proposals visit the meeting agenda page on the Rother District Council website.
Published: 19th March 2021