This news article is more than 6 months old
Businesses and charities recovering from the impact of the Covid-19 crisis are being given a second chance to apply for funding.
With the Government’s business grants scheme set to close towards the end of August, Rother District Council will be making a final push to support as many local businesses as possible.
Council leaders have also agreed to extend the scheme to cover businesses that did not meet the initial criteria for the grants.
The new round of funding will target;
- Cultural and tourist venues, which have not been eligible under the existing schemes
- Supply chain businesses to the retail, hospitality and leisure sectors, many of which have been adversely affected by the pandemic through the closure of their customers’ businesses
- Small campsites, which are suffering significant loss of revenue due to the initial lockdown and the continued restrictions
- Entertainment industries, whose ability to operate and generate revenue has been severely affected by restrictions
Cllr Christine Bayliss, portfolio holder for regeneration, said: “Businesses and charities are facing unprecedented challenges following restrictions put in place to slow the spread of Covid-19.
We are delighted to have already been able to support 2,000 businesses with the Small Business Grant Fund and Retail, Leisure and Hospitality Fund, and a further 76 organisations across the district with the discretionary grant fund.
“But we need to ensure that as many charity and businesses are given the financial support they need during these difficult times and have £530,000 remaining to distribute in a second round of funding.
“I would urge those who have yet benefitted from emergency Government funding, and those in the industries now eligible, to apply.”
Rother District Council was given £1,476 million to allocate to charities and business. Any funds unspent when the fund closes on August 28, will have to be repaid to the Government.
The application window for the second round of funding has now closed.
For details of the grant scheme and criteria visit:
Published: 12th August 2020