This news article is more than 6 months old
We really appreciate the offers of help to replace the tree house play equipment following the fire at Egerton Park. It highlights the fantastic community spirit that exists across our district.
However, the challenge we have is that all equipment we provide has to be constructed by professional play equipment companies so that the equipment meets British Standard, complies with stringent health and safety requirements, and once installed, has to be inspected and passed by RoSPA, the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents.
The other challenge we have at present is finding insurance for the replacement as there has been little appetite from insurers to cover such items against vandalism or malicious damage.
Outdoor play equipment is seen as at high risk of damage and we’re advised if an insurer were to take on the risks it would likely be “pound for pound” – i.e. – if the replacement equipment cost £20,000, then the insurance premium would potentially be the same, making it unworthwhile to insure.
We will continue to explore options to see if we can come up with an alternative plan.
Published: 1st September 2023