This news article is more than 6 months old
PROJECTS enhancing the lives of residents could benefit from a share of over £90,000 from a district-wide community grant scheme.
Community groups and organisations are invited to apply for funding from the second round of this year’s Community Grants Scheme, which is currently open for applications.
Applications for medium awards (up to £5,000) and large grants (up to £30,000) must be received by November 30, 2023. Applications will then be considered by the Grants Panel before recommendations are made to Cabinet in March 2024.
Awards of up to £1,000 for smaller projects are also available, with £5,000 allocated for small value project awards each year.
Small project grants can be applied for all year round and are awarded by the Grants Panel throughout the year.
So far this year, the scheme has awarded over £19,500 in medium and large grants to local community projects. The awards include funding new playground equipment, establishing a beach garden and refurbishing facilities at a village hall.
Cllr Susan Prochak MBE, Chair of the Community Grants Panel, said: “Rother District Council started its Community Grants scheme 15 years ago, in 2008, and since then more than £1.6 million has been paid out to local community groups and good causes.
“We would like to help as many community projects as we can this year. With just a few weeks left before applications close for the second round of funding, I encourage our Parish and Town Councils, community organisations, local charities, and voluntary groups to speak to their local district councillor to see if they are eligible to apply.”
In addition to the Community Grants Scheme, funding is also available from the new Rother Reduce, Reuse and Recycling Grant scheme to community groups and charities who are committed to helping the Rother District to reduce, reuse and recycle.
Grants of up to £1,000, covering no more than 50 per cent of the project cost, can be awarded. The grant pot is set at a maximum of £15,000 and Rother Reduce, Reuse and Recycling grants are awarded on a first come, first served basis.
For more information about the Rother Community Grants Scheme and to apply please visit Rother Voluntary Action can provide guidance and support with applications to the Community Grants Scheme.
Published: 17th October 2023