Could your business survive a serious crisis?

  • Do you know and understand the major threats and risks to your business operations?
  • Do your preparations address the critical emergency functions of planning, mitigation, response and recovery?
  • Do you have a Business Continuity Plan, and is it integrated with normal business operations?
  • Have you audited and exercised your emergency preparedness?
  • Can you alert response teams in a crisis?
  • Could you deal with the media during a crisis?

Ask yourself a question…

Could your business safely handle a major crisis to its operations now?

What should you do next?

If you have been inspired to consider developing a Continuity Plan for your Business, start immediately.

Write yourself a realistic plan based on the good advice guidelines that are detailed in the Sussex Local Authority Emergency Planning Group (SLAEPG) Business Continuity Advice document, a copy of which can be downloaded (under Related Media).

A downloadable blank template is also available. By following this template you can develop a simple business continuity plan that will be invaluable if your business suffers from an emergency.

Local Authorities have a responsibility under the Civil Contingencies Act 2004 to provide general advice and assistance to the business and voluntary sector communities at large. They may be able to provide specific advice, for which a charge may apply, but this should be taken up with your local Council on an individual basis.

In general terms, Rother District Council would recommend you contact one of the organisations identified below who would be able to put you in touch with a consultant for specific advice.

For further information, click on the links below:

Business Continuity Institute

Emergency Planning Society

The Institute of Risk Management

MI5 Advice

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