Current Position

Etchingham Parish Council are currently preparing the draft Etchingham Neighbourhood Plan for the Regulation 14 Pre-submission Consultation.

FurtherĀ information may be available onĀ the Etchingham Neighbourhood Plan website.


8 May 2018

Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Screening Opinion

Rother District Council provided a formal SEA Screening Opinion for the Etchingham Neighbourhood Plan.

15 Jul 2016

Designation of Etchingham Parish as a Neighbourhood Area (Regulation 7)

Rother District Council confirmed that the marked area shown on the submitted map (being that of Etchingham Parish) was formally designated as a Neighbourhood Area.

23 May 2016

Application for the designation of Etchingham Parish as a Neighbourhood Area (Regulation 5)

Etchingham Parish Council (as the relevant body) submitted to Rother District Council an application for the designation of Etchingham Parish as a Neighbourhood Area.

This application included the following:

  • A map which identifies the area to which the area application relates
  • A statement explaining why the area is considered appropriate to be designated as a Neighbourhood Plan Area
  • A statement setting out why Etchingham Parish Council is a relevant body for the purposes of section 61G of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990
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