Submission Version available to view from 24 January – 7 March 2025

Consultation Documents 

You can view and download all the consultation documents by clicking on the links below:

  1. Rye Parish Boundary Map
  2. Rye Neighbourhood Plan Review
  3. Rye Neighbourhood Plan Review – amendments indicated in red 
  4. Consultation Statement
  5. Regulation 14 representations
  6. The DaSA Strategic Gap Background Paper 2016

Alternatively, the documents are available to view during normal working hours at the following locations:

  • Rother District Council Town Hall, Town Hall Square, Bexhill-on-Sea, TN39
  • Rye Library, 30 High Street, Rye, TN31 7JF


How can I submit my representations?

Any person, business or organisation may comment on the Plan or supporting documents. Representations can be submitted online using the relevant form which can be downloaded from the Council’s website or obtained at the Council offices listed above. Representations on the relevant form may also be made by email to  or by post to the Head of Planning – Strategy and Planning, Consultation on Submission Rye Neighbourhood Plan Review, Rother District Council, Town Hall, Bexhill-on-Sea, East Sussex, TN39 3JX.

All representations must be received by the Council no later than 4.30pm on Friday 7 March 2025.  Any submissions received after this deadline may not be considered.

The Representation Form is available by clicking the button below.

Please note that all representations will be publicly available and will be forwarded for consideration by the person appointed to carry out an examination of the Plan Review. 

Anyone making a representation may request to be notified of the Council’s decision to ‘make’ the Rye Neighbourhood Plan Review by ticking the relevant box on the representation form. 

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